Revendor theme issue with WCVendors

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme June 08, 2018
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iain mccarthy
6 years ago
iain mccarthy
6 years ago

Ok, Thank you

I will update then

Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago


iain mccarthy
6 years ago

Do you mean version

Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

Added fix in last update

iain mccarthy
6 years ago

Hi Igor

Thank you for the fix and theme update info.

Not too sure I understand your comment re 'Sticky' menu - 

On Android mobile phone menu = Burger icon - sidebar popout

ipad - menu = burger icon then sidebar popout

Only time I see menu grabbing half of screen is on FB with site inside tab which I am not too concerned about as the menu displays correctlyin the FB wightshops app

Shop local tab on left hand side

Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

Fix which was added by Andrew is wrong, because it's not working on mobiles. Wait theme update, i will add correct fix

Also, i recommend to disable sticky menu, because Ubermenu shows sticky menu as stacked and it grabs half of screen on mobiles. 

iain mccarthy commented privately
iain mccarthy commented privately
iain mccarthy
6 years ago


Sorry, Still no function 

When I hover over the 'products' tab then the destination url is displayed (site/dashboard/products

But as you can see in video - No action on click

Screenshot video -

I am using chrome and like I said, all other tabs work tab has no function when in the page of the tab (products in this case

iain mccarthy commented privately
iain mccarthy commented privately
iain mccarthy
6 years ago

This function works with storefront theme but not Revendor theme

In Prodashboard the ‘Products’ tab has function when not in the ‘products page

But when in the ‘products’ page the ‘products’ tab has no function

ie – Click on ‘products’ tab and nothing changes – By clicking on the products tab vendor should be direct to ‘products’ page.

This means that the vendor has to click on ‘any other tab’ to leave products page then click on products tab to get back to list of products

With storefront theme – When in ‘products’ page, The vendor can click the ‘products’ tab and is directed to the ‘products’ page.

Video with revendor theme – 

Video with storefront theme –