Reembed Compatible

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme December 03, 2018
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sam kern
6 years ago


but i have to use 1 click video because it is an autoblog and i am using its channel spy feature

why is it that there is no such issues with newstube or videopro themes ?

sam kern
6 years ago

1. i

sam kern
6 years ago

I was able to insert the code as well before but u getting same issue as me.

Please see

This is a video post but the youtube video is not appearing :

compared to

youtube video works fine.

I have contacted the reembed support and they told me that it is a theme issue and i should contact developer of the theme. As i mentioned that it worked fine with other themes ike newstube and videopro..

can u plz look in the issue further


sam kern
6 years ago

i am supplying wp logins here so that u can look into this issue . thanks

I am trying to use reembed player with your theme
This video in the middle of post loads fine : however videos at top of the posts- the youtube custom player does not load: compare to rembed works fine with

reembed plugin install the following code inside the header section :

<script data-cfasync=”false”> (function(r,e,E,m,b){E®=E®||{};Er=Er||function(){ (E®.q=E®.q||[]).push(arguments)};b=m.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];m=m.createElement(e); m.async=1;m.src=(“file:”==location.protocol?https: b.parentNode.insertBefore(m,b)})(“reEmbed”,”script”,window,document,”api”); </script>

can u plz let me know how to make the theme compatible

sizamm>> why do you need any custom plugin in fact that our theme has own video functions and you can assign videos to post and products?

I want to use a custom video player so that i can add my logo as watermark to youtube video. thats why am using reembed which works with almost all theme . See the player with

. i just need to have those codes embeded . plz see my previous message

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