Filters on Store Page are not working

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme December 09, 2018
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Kapil Pawaskar
6 years ago

There is no point in selling CUSTOMIZATION service for everything. (including bugs). This is a bug, both SALE and DEAL filters are working the same way. And you know that DEAL filter is not working correctly.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

Currently we don't have plans to change anything in filters. Each buyer has own vision about filters and it's different for everyone, so, we made something which is working mostly for all. If you need to change logic, we can provide customization paid service

Kapil Pawaskar
6 years ago

Hi Igor and team,

Hope you guys enjoyed your vacation. I will also take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy, healthy and successful new year (hope it is not too late :-)

Regarding the issue, I differ with what you are saying that deals without old new prices are useless. It is not necessary for an offer to always have an old or new price. Offer (deal) can simply be an affiliate link to offer page on merchant's website but it will not have any coupon code available.

For example, on see on page it has both offers without coupon code (categorized as a deal) and also offers having coupon codes (categorized as a coupon) 

So if I click on Coupons filter the theme is correctly filtering coupons but if I click on deals filter deals are filtered.

I am not bothered currently about Sale filter where I feel Old and New Prices make sense.

Either Deals or Sales Filter should filter such offers (without coupons and old new prices)

Now if you some of the well-known coupon sites in India you will find such filters. Examples below for your reference.

Some of the other themes eg PremiumPress also has such a functionality.

I hope I am able to explain the issue correctly. Hope for your quick reply.


Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

Deal is when you have offer in post. Sale - if you have also sale price (old and actual price) All sales are also deals. If you don't have price and coupon, such posts are not affiliate posts, so, they are useless for store pages and not available in filters

Kapil Pawaskar
6 years ago

Any update on this plz?

Kapil Pawaskar
6 years ago


I am talking about an issue while filters not working correctly.

For example, see 

It has one offer and others coupons. If I click on coupons filter, only coupons are shown (when I mean coupon, it is those which has button text 'Reveal Coupon'). This is working perfectly fine.

But if I click on Deals or Sales filter, it is not showing me an offer (when I mean offer, it is those which has button text 'View Offer')

 Ideally, if I click on deal filter, the system should have shown me only offers (which has no coupon code) but it is not showing up.

As per previous conversion in this thread I realize that deal and sale filters both works the same way. For them to show offers (without coupon code) I need to put 'Offer Old Price' and 'Offer Sale Price'. If I do not put these values the deal filter will not work. So I am not able to understand what is the difference between the deal and sale? and how I will be able to filter offers (without coupon codes and not having old and new prices)

Once I understand this, it will be easier for me to edit  taxonomy-dealstore.php and do the changes that you suggested.

Hope I am able to explain myself.


Kapil Pawaskar
6 years ago

Hi Igor,

I am not asking to delete anything (infact I need them) it is just that they are not working correctly. If you can go through the entire issue trail you will realize the issue.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

We can't delete them, because it was made due to many requests from buyers. If you need to change something - you can ask us how to delete filter. Send link on page and what you want to delete

Kapil Pawaskar
6 years ago

Thank you so much for this consideration.

Kapil Pawaskar
6 years ago

It is certainly not useless functionality. Every other coupon/deal sharing theme has this functionality to filter out coupons and deals on store page. I think instead of removing you can consider to have only three filtering options. (I feel sale and expired I not so useful)

All, Coupons, Deals

And deals filter to display everything other than coupon.

Kapil Pawaskar
6 years ago

Hi Andrew,

I guess you have three types of posts - 

1. Coupon

2. Deal

3. Sale

1. Coupon - when coupon code is added in coupon code field

2. sale - when old and new prices are added

3. deal when neither of above is added

So the issue if i have offer of type 'Deal', it is not filtered (i guess when I click on deal it still search for offers of type 'Sale' instead of 'Deal' and when I click on 'Sale' it still shows offers of type 'sale')

Hope I am able to explain this issue.

Kapil Pawaskar commented privately
Kapil Pawaskar
6 years ago

Plugin cannot be an issue as I have installed it after reporting this issue. I need filter at least for coupons and deals. 

Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

Maybe because you used some kind of plugin which changed wordpress folder

You can remove filters, they are not useful for site


you can place this in theme options - general options - custom css

Kapil Pawaskar
6 years ago


It seems that filter on store page is not working. see on below page.

Click on coupons, it will show no coupons available. Then again click on deals but deals are not appearing,



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