addons and plugins for easy import

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme February 13, 2020
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
5 years ago

Pro version is main plugin which you must install. All other are add-ons
which can't work without main plugin

пт, 14 февр. 2020 г., 11:54 Sizam Support Help Desk <>:

Mallieddy Manikyalareddy
5 years ago

Thanks for sharing the downloadable files.

is there any difference between the two. both are the same or not. which is having more features. 

wpai-post-rehub-addon (Available at Rehub plugin page)

wp-all-import-pro_4.5.8 (Pro version which you provided)

Igor Sunz Support Agent
5 years ago

You can use plugin as my client, but if you need autoupdate of plugin, you should buy separate license

Please, note, your support is expired, so, advanced help is locked for your account. Update your support to get more help

Mallieddy Manikyalareddy
5 years ago

along with add-ons and plugins 

please provide the documentation.

let me know the list for which all sites these addons and plugins can be used

Mallieddy Manikyalareddy
5 years ago

Please provide addons and plugins for easy import 


Bulk import xml or csv