trying to show individual prices for variations

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme April 03, 2020
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attractive colt
2 weeks ago

When purchasing a vehicle, there is a drift hunters basic price and additional costs for different engines, leather seats, and sound systems.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago

directory layout will work, full width default layout will work

Joe Sherer
4 years ago


I tried all 10 other product layouts and none of them work. I am now trying
to use WooLentor to see if I can create a more custom product page that
will allow a reasonable product layout.

I'll keep you posted.

Joe Sherer
* Handcrafted investment.*

t 415 886-0000 f 415 888-2177 c 415 370-9432
115 Inez Place, Mill Valley CA 94941 License 656905

Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago

Ok, clear. Currently, you are using Default product layout. Each layout has different place for content. Some wide, some narrow

Choose other product layout and find best for you. Try it

Also, I am sure that plugin has option to choose hook which they use to add their items, you can ask author. 

Joe Sherer
4 years ago


Thanks for getting back to me. Per your request, I disabled the
"construction" status of the website. I enabled a default Wordpress theme,
and below is a screenshot of how the Product page is supposed to look.

[image: Screen Shot 2020-04-14 at 11.17.30 AM.png]
Here is a link to the products page with the REHub
theme enabled. See how the selections are WAY too big. I'd like to have
them show up under the large product picture, just like on the screen shot
above of the default Wordpress theme.

I would appreciate your prompt response.

Thank you,

Joe Sherer
* Handcrafted investment.*

t 415 886-0000 f 415 888-2177 c 415 370-9432
115 Inez Place, Mill Valley CA 94941 License 656905

Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago

enable site for public first, disable construction page

Enable default Wordpress theme, make screenshot how it looks on default theme

Then, enable Rehub and send me link on page, so I can be sure that it's theme related issue

Joe Sherer
4 years ago

On the Products page of my website, the configuration plugin, Woocommerce Composite Products, displays the options way too big so you can only see one item at a time. My goal is to see 5-10 options a time, just like the plugin is designed to do. I set up a staging website, and all eight options show on the page beautifully, as you can see here.

I love the Rehub theme, but need to use Component Products so that I can provide pricing for various options.

Is there a way to make Rehub display the Component Products as expected? I have Version 6.2.0 (latest) for Woocommerce Composite Products and here is a link to their documentation.



Joe Sherer
4 years ago


Thanks for your reply, but I still don't see how to INDIVIDUALLY price variations. I see how to create variations (your first reply) and add swatches (your second reply), but that doesn't answer my question. 

My product is modular homes with a base price of say $50,000. The customer makes five attribute selections, each with three variations:

1. flooring: choice A adds $0, choice B adds $500, choice C adds $700

2. cabinets: choice A adds $200, choice B adds $500, choice C adds $0

3. appliances: choice A adds $450, choice B adds $0, choice C adds $300

4. countertops: choice A adds $400, choice B adds $700, choice C adds $200

5. tile: choice A adds $500, choice B adds $0, choice C adds $100

If these 5 attributes each have just 3 variations, then I would need 243 prices for this product. That's crazy!

What I want is to have one price for each attribute selected. The final price is base price + attribute 1 + attribute 2 + attribute 3 + attribute 4 + attribute 5. For example $50,000 base + $0 + $500 + $450 + $400 + $100 = $51,450 if they chose 1A, 2B, 3A, 4A, 5C. This means I just need 15 prices, or one price for each individual variation.

What you showed me in your reply requires 243 prices for this simple example. In reality, I have 10 attributes with 5 variations each which would require 9,765,625 prices - for EACH model.

There has to be a plug-in for pricing variations individually. If I want to sell a pizza that has 20 topping choices, I'd need 2,432,902,008,177,000,000 prices for small, medium and large pizzas. There has to be a better way.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago

Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago
Joe Sherer
4 years ago

My product has about 10 attributes and they each have 2-5 variations. I want to show and price each variation individually. I do not want to have 10^5 prices. For example, when you buy a car there is a base price and adds for various leather seats, various sound systems, and engines. 

With ReHub it seems I need to have a price for EVERY possible variation. How can I show the product with simply additional costs for some variations.