Review Circle Single Product Pages

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme May 06, 2020
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago


William .
3 years ago

Ok. I understand now... So the review circle shows only when it's an Editor's review?


Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

Review box is generated automatically in each product and you don't need any shortcodes if you add review to product

William .
3 years ago

Ok. I think you misunderstood my question... I'm not trying to show the same review on all products/posts. But I'm trying to automatically show circle box reviews of every product/post without not adding the shortcode manually to every products/posts.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

This has no sense because review box shows review score of selected Post.
There is no sense to show the same review on all products

William .
3 years ago

Ok. Is there any tricks to add the circle review to all the products or post without using an ID?

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

you must have Post with ID 11 and this post must have review

William .
3 years ago

Hi. I'm using the code below to show review circle on single products page, but it's not showing. Am I missing something?

[wpsm_reviewbox id=11 compact="circle"]
