I have created different pages for different product type like mobile, computer page with left sidebar using Elementor
Now how to put filter on each page left sidebar like on snap-2, I want to use different filter preset for different page
I tried your docs but it gives different view like snap-1 (I will do this if able to create )
[prdctfltr_sc_products preset="Default" show_products="no" action="http://merashop.net" bot_margin="20" class="woofiltersbig"]
I want this type of filter [Link] & not want this type [Link]
1. Elementor doesn't work with Xforwoocommerce. Use regular WooCommerce
widgets instead
2. WooCommerce automatically detects attributes for each category and you
dont need to create custom widgets
3. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BN6IyqLnBy8