Need Customisation help for shop and home page

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme July 09, 2018
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1 month ago

Q1. how can I show products on the home page?

Q2. I added a few products to the detergent category. these products are shown on the desktop. but when I search on mobile then in the detergent category nothing has shown products. how to fix it?

Q3. there are similar options in the product section brands and brand. what is deference?

Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

it's required advanced customization and there is no quick solution which we can write here as part of support. So you must have skills for this. Or hire our customization team, price is $25 per hour

Salman Ansari
6 years ago

Hi Igor,

Could you please respond to the query below. Many thanks.

Salman Ansari
6 years ago


1. Can you tell me how I can change the size of images product carousel in mobile view so that I can view multiple images in the carousel. 

PFA - 1

2. I wanted to have a section (search bar) as "sticky bar" on the top of the homepage below to header.

PFA - 2 (I want both header and search bar as sticky)

Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

There is no any simple place or code where you can change image size. It's required code customization, possible as paid job only

2. You can place global js code in theme option - general - head and footer js areas. For single pages there is no such area, but you can place them inside content (this is not best way)

3. when you use page builder and set columns, you can click on pencil icon in each column, then in design tab you can choose how this column will be visible on each width. Try it

Salman Ansari
6 years ago

2. Your example for brand pages looks like simple images. Again, you can use single image module of page builder and place them inside columns

- Actually I have tried to do so but In mobile view it get split into seperate image. I want this in the same manner as in desktop for mobile view.


Salman Ansari
6 years ago

Hey, Sunz

1. Can you tell me how I can change the size of images product carousel in mobile view so that I can view multiple images in the carousel.


2. How I can put custom javascript, jquery etc to all pages by writing single script and same for specific page with specific script.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

1. Page builder has carousel module and a lot of options to show products

2. Your example for brand pages looks like simple images. Again, you can use single image module of page builder and place them inside columns

3. You can use plugin which has option to place search form before content

Salman Ansari
6 years ago

Hey, Sizam

I need some customization in home page as well as shop page. Actually, I wanted to add some custom product carousel based on different scenario like top 10 product, featured product, top products of the month, etc based on our requirements.  In the homepage, I need to add a section for top brands where all the brands are listed and if one of the brands is clicked then it takes this to the shop page where product listed of the same brand.

For shop page, I need to align filter by price button and default sorting in the same line on the top (mobile view).

Secondly, I need to add some custom filter in aside section of filters