how to add icons before menu in re-deal theme step by step

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme December 02, 2020
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Silly Abraham
11 months ago

Consider asking WordPress professionals for help with assignment if you need comprehensive help placing icons before the menu in the Re-Deal theme. They can walk you through each step of the procedure and make sure that the symbols fit in perfectly with your menu system. You may improve user experience and tailor your website to your own design preferences with their help.

Jack Young
1 year ago

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Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago

You can find all information for most of questions in documentation.
Please, use search in documentation before posting tickets

Mallieddy Manikyalareddy
4 years ago

how to add icons before the menu in re-deal theme.

Icon before Your Cashback

icon before wishlist