How to Change WooCommerce Box Heading Tag

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme May 28, 2021
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mobilunity software company
1 year ago

WooCommerce box heading tags are used to help organize and classify products in your shop. By default, they're set to "title," but you can change this if you want. This guide will teach you how to do just that.  webshop erstellen lassen schweiz

Divesh WebMarketingTools
3 years ago

Actually, there is a big change.

Otherwise, I will change.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

woocommerce box template is still placed in affiliate_function.php file and
it has no big changes, so you can change as early. Just copy function in
child theme and make modifications

Divesh WebMarketingTools
3 years ago

Yes, Igor,

But I don't want to use any heading there.

I simply want to use P, Div, or Span tag over heading.

Earlier I was able to change this from the affiliate_function.php file

But now It has changed.

How can I change this?

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

Heading tag option is available in options of block

Пт, 28 мая 2021 г. в 10:07, Sizam Support Help Desk <>:

Divesh WebMarketingTools
3 years ago

Hello Team Rehub

From your last update of Rehub Theme.

I am not able to change the Heading Tag in the WooCommerce Box.

Because now the coding has changed.

I don't want to use H3 Tag for WooCommerce Box, It breaks my post heading hirarchy. 

I just want to use Div, Span, or P Tag.

Please give me a suggestion, how can I change this for my website WebMarketingTools.

Here is my affected page  - Instapage Alternatives

Thank you.

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