Compare Icone

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme October 13, 2021
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Anna Gaudia
2 years ago

Thank you!

Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago

.re-compare-icon-toggle:before{content: "\e900";font-family:
'icomoon' !important; }

Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago

you changed only content, but didn't add font-family: 'icomoon' !important;
to comparison icon code

Anna Gaudia
2 years ago

ok, I misunderstood that. 

So I have uploaded the fonts here and added the following code in them options> custom CSS - it's not working, do you have any idea why? I know it's a lot to ask but I would really appreciate that, mainly because I don't believe the current compare icon explains well what it is from UI perspective, and the option to compare is really important on my site. Thank you so much!

/***change comparison icon***/
@font-face {
  font-family: 'icomoon';
  src:  url('fonts/icomoon.eot?lja4eu');
  src:  url('fonts/icomoon.eot?lja4eu#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
    url('fonts/icomoon.ttf?lja4eu') format('truetype'),
    url('fonts/icomoon.woff?lja4eu') format('woff'),
    url('fonts/icomoon.svg?lja4eu#icomoon') format('svg');
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;
  font-display: block;
[class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"] {
  /* use !important to prevent issues with browser extensions that change fonts */
  font-family: 'icomoon' !important;
  speak: never;
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: normal;
  font-variant: normal;
  text-transform: none;
  line-height: 1;
  /* Better Font Rendering =========== */
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
.icon-compare-icon-vs:before {
  content: "\e900";
 .re-compare-icon-toggle:before{content: "\e900";}
 .re-compare-icon-toggle .rhi-shuffle:before{content: "\e900";} 
Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago

It's the same code, I already wrote about this

Anna Gaudia
2 years ago
great, yes, i know how to change it in the header but don't know how to do it as per screen grab on this page
Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago

code from snipet for comparison icon will work in all places

Anna Gaudia
2 years ago

ok, I found how to do it, i have the zip from iconmoon and can try to figure out how to add it to the page but that would be pointless if I can't use the same icon in other places where compare icon is like on the previously attached screenshot. Is there a way to replace it there too?

Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago

This requires more deep customization. You must convert icon to font, then
get it font code. We have no tutorial for this

Ср, 13 окт. 2021 г. в 04:19, Sizam Support Help Desk <>:

Anna Gaudia
2 years ago
Anna Gaudia
2 years ago

I've used the code here to change the header compare icon but:

  1. I want to use my own icon that I've uploaded here - how do I do that, what do I used instead of the icon code?
  2. I also need to replace the compare icon in all other places like on the attached... is there a way to do it?

Thank you


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