Compare Page - few issues

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme November 03, 2021
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago

there is no multicolor option on comparison chart in current point

Anna Gaudia
2 years ago

Sorry I think you misunderstood. I want the score to be the correct color based on the number it shows so 2 is red, 7 would be green etc...

Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago

.table_view_charts h2 a{color:#30b1d1}

you can place this in theme options - general options - custom css

other questions can be resolved via css customization and require core customization

Anna Gaudia
2 years ago


couple of things that I'm trying to fix on the Compare page:

  1. The review circle - I would like it to reflect the color of the score. 
  2. Can I force the images to be the same size here? 
  3. How do I force the title of the heading here to be the main theme color?
  4. Read more - Can I hide part of the description (as they are long and different sizes) and have a read more button that will show the rest of the content when clicked?

Additional Info

Link on page with issue:,5296