Ok, thanks for your reply!
I've decided to higlight the desktop menu with this snippet:
li#menu-item-2081.menu-item.menu-item-type-custom.menu-item-object-custom{background-color: red;}
And this for the mobile toolbar icon color:
const rhtoolbar = document.getElementById("rhNavToolbar");
const rhtooladd = "<div class='rh-flex-center-align rh-flex-grow1 rh-flex-justify-center'><a href='https://www.migliorscelta.it/offerte-del-giorno/' class='rh-header-icon' style='color: red;'><i class='rhicon rhi-fire'></i></a></div>";
rhtoolbar.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', rhtooladd);
Do you think they are ok, or they will make a mess?
In case, what suggest to do, or code to use.
You'll find the output attached.