Enhancement Suggestion: Wish List additions

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme April 30, 2019
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Gavin Grayston
5 years ago

That's great Igor. Thanks!

Igor Sunz Support Agent
5 years ago

1. Available already http://rehubdocs.wpsoul.com/docs/rehub-theme/shop-options-woo-edd/wishlist/

2. Wishlist is working for posts, it doesn't work for images

3. wishlist function is working for any post types

4. Yes, something from this is already in TODO list

Gavin Grayston
5 years ago


I have been using and liking the Wish List on my website and there are a few enhancements that I think would be good for the theme.

1. Make a shortcode for the Add to Wishlist button.

This would enable me to place this feature in more locations in a post or product, including in the sidebar.
Shortcode parameters to display the different styles or texts of the button would be useful. E.g. just the heart icon, 'Save', or 'Add to Wishlist', or 'Add to [my on words]'. The reason I'd like to add my own words, is that the WishList on my site is called the 'Adventure Planner'.

2. Option to add the Wishlist heart to all images on a post/product (or custom post) - but not obviously to Related Items/Linked Products.

A bit like the hover ability to share on social media, it would be good if the user could add the post/product to their wishlist when viewing any images.

3. Option add the Wishlist heart on other plug-ins.

This is for when I have other plugins that use custom post types. I'd still like these to behave the same for users so that they can add all content types I configure to their wishlist.
A solution to 2 might address this, or you might already have a CSS trick to enable this. :-) 

4. Options to change the styling of the Wishlist table.

The display of ReHub is very modern and good, but the Wishlist table doesn't match. It would be great if some display options were added, such as a grid or masonry view of the items in the Wishlist, plus pagination and sort/filter (e.g. by date added, category/product category, post type, tag, etc.)


Additional Info

Link on page with issue (Optional): https://www.getoutwiththekids.co.uk/adventure-planner/