Hi, I wrote on the Rehub comments page on Themeforest, but I apparently didn't give enough information !
I'm having a few issues with my multivendor website : alsaceco.fr. I have Woocommerce + ReHub + WCFM Ultimate. I also installed Remarket demo site and the Geo my WP plugin (free version).
There are two problems :
A. I don't know how to modify preset theme pages like the preset map on the Shop page.
B. I set up a Google Maps platform account, set everything like I'm supposed to according to tutorials, but I still get the error : "Geocoding failed with the error message: REQUEST_DENIED - This IP, site or mobile application is not authorized to use this API key. Request received from IP address 2a02:4780:a:3::7, with referer: https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?region=FR&address=manhattan%2Bnew%2Byork%2Bus&language=FR&key=AIzaSyBrB1gchBgMJwzrWUd_3qvdvHGdrY0HLZ8" when I test the APIs with Geo WP. (Geocoding is activated on my plateforme account)
I believe this leads to the following functional issues I'm having :
1. I’ve set the product location to synchronize with it’s vendor. I’ve also created products and set their specific location. Yet the products still don’t appear on the map on the shop page.
2. I can't find how to modify the current preset map on the Shop page to add a search per category.
3. For some reason, the default addresse on the map when you arrive on the page is wrong. It's neither de default I set, the shop's location, nor even my computer's location... I originally set a shop at the location but have changed the adresse since... It's currently on Champagne au Mont d'Or in France, when it should be Mulhouse in France.
ON ANOTHER SUBJECT : I’d like to make vendors pay for featuring products but can’t find any documentation on how to do that. I think this my be something I should ask WCFM but they're not being very helpful...
Please let me know what screenshots you need.
Thank you in advance !
*A.* I don't know how to modify preset theme pages like the preset map on
the Shop page. - Theme doesn't add map on shop page. I guess it's coming
from your plugin WCFM, please, write to author of plugin if you have
questions about it
B. It's because you created API key in google map console, but didn't add
your site to allowed sites for using your API key. You must add it or set
it to use any site. Without API key, all functionality will not work, so
you need to do this first. For all other questions, please, write to
authors of vendor plugin because they are not related to theme