Icons - https issues

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme December 22, 2021
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago
Anna Gaudia
2 years ago

Ok, thanks, it solves the icon issue.

However, I still have HTTPS issues. I thought the problem with HTTPS is due to icons but even on pages that don't have icons, I have the same issues. On refresh it automatically goes to HTTP instead continue to be https

Do you have any ideas why it would do that? 

Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago

You should not use fontawesome icons if you want to have good speed on site. We don’t plan to enable them. Use svg if you want to add custom icons to page

Anna Gaudia
2 years ago


I have an issue with icon showing in the Filter

if I use HTTPS:// it doesn't display

when it's HTTP:// it works but the problem is that when I refresh a page it pushes the page into the HTTP instead which I want to avoid. 

Any chance you could add fas fa-filter into the https://wpsoul.net/icons/ 

Thank you

Additional Info

Link on page with issue: https://www.globalnomad.guide/digital-nomad-visas-all-visas-analysed-compared/