WP Import bulk products via csv file

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme January 03, 2022
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coalition strengthen
2 weeks ago

The quantity of dordle feeds is irrelevant; if they have similar SKU numbers and adequate setup has been established, they will be consolidated into groups.

Yvette Boye
2 years ago


Reading this support ticket and is really impessed by both parties and the task at hand. Thanks for making it public info.

May I ask how it is possible to set EAN as SKU?

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

Widgets are under content on mobiles. There is filter button on mobiles which will open sliding panel on shop pages

igors suna
3 years ago

Thanks, that worked perfectly.
Is there a way to have widget such as year make model for cars to appear at
the top of the page on mobile devices .

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

I don't know which localization file you mean and why you need it


Use Loco translate as mentioned in documentation and simply create new language

igors suna
3 years ago

Hi, trying to find default language file English but it's not there in lang


Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago


Ср, 9 февр. 2022 г. в 01:48, Sizam Support Help Desk <

igors suna
3 years ago


Thanks for previous support, all went well.

Can you advise me how to change the text "Filter" to something else when
I'm category page.
See screenshot where you can see text link "Filter" in mobile view. I want
to change this text to "Your Vehicle".


Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

support@keywordrush.com is support of plugin

Пт, 14 янв. 2022 г. в 12:15, Sizam Support Help Desk <

igors suna
3 years ago

Before last content egg update it was opening full tool page

igors suna
3 years ago

I wanted to use fill tool to add products from Amazon and Ebay but when I
click on fill tool in content egg drop down menu I get this fault. Any
ideas. See screenshot

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

You can use Content egg pro modules and Fill tool of content egg

Сб, 8 янв. 2022 г. в 15:01, Sizam Support Help Desk <

igors suna
3 years ago


Well you answered my question. I understand if I create other importer and
import products from another datafeed it will group products with matching
unique ids which in my case are EAN set as SKU.

With Amazon or Ebay it would be manually adding offers on existing files
which would take forever on 200k products.

I think I will stick with product feeds and ask my affiliate sites to
provide csv files with EAN.

Unless there is automatic way to add products from Amazon or Ebay to
existing datafeed products using EAN.


Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

1. How to make price comparison sites via feeds and how to combine several
feeds is described in video which you already watched. It doesn't matter
how much feeds you have, if they have common SKU numbers and if you made
proper configuration, they will be merged into groups.

2. It's not clear what you mean by "manual" adding. Feed import is
automatic and require only first init configuration

igors suna
3 years ago

Hi Igor,

The plugin you sent me works great, little slow but at least working.
Thanks for that.

I hope I am not pain in backside but,
could you please advise me on couple things:

1. I am uploading 225000 products to my woocmerce, REHub theme, Content Egg
All products have unique id and same SKU as unique id (EAN numbers). This
is product feed with offer module. If I create other importer with
different csv file from different shop which will have products with EAN
numbers then will Content egg group those products to compare if those
match unique id. What is the best way doing it (fill or create with WP
import as separate fees).

2. Amazon and Ebay: if I have 225000 products on my shop from one affiliate
program product feed then imagine adding products manually to compare would
take 10 years. Is there a way doing it automatically, does Affiliate plugin
Pro can be used for this purpose.

I hope you understand my question :)


Igors Suna

igors suna
3 years ago

Thanks for your reply.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

You can use the same sku for sku and for content egg

Чт, 6 янв. 2022 г. в 16:09, Sizam Support Help Desk <

igors suna
3 years ago

Should I use unique id in CE fields for comparison if I have selected SKU
on the top already. Or I can select SKU as EAN and use unique id as EAN too

igors suna
3 years ago

Thanks. I will give it a go tonight.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago
igors suna
3 years ago

I will send on my next try. I think I need to simplify mu datfeed csv file
so that there aren't fields which aren't maped.
Meanwhile, do I need to use Unique Id at content egg settings in wp import

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

Please send screenshots of all settings for import

igors suna
3 years ago

Just got errors this morning

Some sort of timeout and other is the logo not found from CE where I
inserted logo link in Merchant info

igors suna
3 years ago

Is there update for WP import Pro which comes with theme as I can see its
not the newest version. Meanwhile I will set autoclicker to pause and
resume importer lol. Just to see how many products arrived. ANd then run it
again to insert missing products.

igors suna
3 years ago

Well then it says not enought permissions to update record. And not all
files are inserted and I get errors. :)

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

Try fresh import with only insert permission

Ср, 5 янв. 2022 г. в 23:47, Sizam Support Help Desk <

igors suna
3 years ago

Hi Igor,

I just noticed something. When I run fresh import with permissions insert + update I noticed something and I hope you will help to understand why it is happening. 

When import is starting it says "Record Inserted" and it stays like that for while. And then after a while it starts saying "Record Updeted" (this is not inserting products as there is no records to update) so those products will be missing.

Solution but not fix (cannot do this for 8 hours): When it starts saying "Record Updated" I press "Pause" and then "Resume" and it starts "inserting" again instead of "updating".

Please see attached screenshot where you will see how many products updated so far and there are not products to update (894). This is when it started to update none existing products. Back to normal after Paused and Resumed.

DO I have some bug in my WP Import or there is another explanation?




Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

Unfortunately i can't help in this. You can try WP all import PRO plugin
https://www.wpallimport.com/ (it's paid and not included in theme). You can
use also our addons for WPAI

Otherwise, you can request refund, we will accept it

igors suna
3 years ago

Is there a way to wipe all products from wordpress and start fresh.

Steps I done :

1. Reinstalled Wordpress
2. Installed rehub, content egg, woocommerce, demo.
3. Installed wp import, rehub addin for wp import, woocommerce addon for wp
4. Created Import and ran the import
5. It started to insert new product records
6. Started updating records or saying not enough permissions to update
file, even tho I ticked only create and not update
7. It seems there are ghost products somewhere even after reinstalling

igors suna
3 years ago

No dublicates I checked. All EAN numbers are different

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

Maybe you have duplicates in your product feed

Ср, 5 янв. 2022 г. в 09:16, Sizam Support Help Desk <

igors suna
3 years ago

Hi, after deleting all tables in database I ran import again. Out of 225000
products only 4520 got inserted. I don't understand what is going on.



igors suna
3 years ago

OK, I will try drop database and try again. Thanks for pointing out right
direction. In the future I will not delete products via product dashboard
but use import plugin to delete if needed.

igors suna
3 years ago

Reinstalling WordPress doesn't wipe database?

igors suna
3 years ago

How do I properly get rid off all products o I can upload fresh csv file.
So that it only inserts and not update.

igors suna
3 years ago

I deleted site via Bluehost and reinstalled wordpress.
How do you suggest cleaning site properly.
Why deleting products from Woocomerce product page doesn't delete products
from database.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

This plugin doesn’t store products anywhere outside site. So, you didn’t
clean site properly. You must drop database and all files via ftp

Вт, 4 янв. 2022 г. в 12:13, Sizam Support Help Desk <

igors suna
3 years ago

Why it has stored products even if I reinstalled wordpress. So it stores
somewhere outside wordpress ditrctory

igors suna
3 years ago

From Rehub themes bonus plugin. 3 of them. I think it is WP all import,
Woocomerce add on, and rehub add on

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

Which plugin do you use for import?

Вт, 4 янв. 2022 г. в 11:59, Sizam Support Help Desk <

igors suna
3 years ago

I just wonder, if I delete all products from Woocomerce and delete trash
and make sure no products are in Content egg why its still storing products
in database.

igors suna
3 years ago

I deleted products from Woocomerce products and emptied trash. I even
reinstalled wordpress site and it still does the same. Files are still
uploading but so far it says 20000 records updated and if I look in
woocomerce products there are only 800 products published. Where are all
the rest.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
3 years ago

Try to remove existed imported. You need remove them also from trash

Вт, 4 янв. 2022 г. в 00:32, Sizam Support Help Desk <

igors suna
3 years ago

I had this issue before so reinstalled wordpress site to start from scrach. On first wordpress install I started upload products but stopped it due to wrong setup on csv file. When updated file I started new upload with insert and update and got errors such as Not enought permissions to update records.

Decided to reinstall wordpress and started again. With new importer from WP ALL import started upload products from csv file and got error agin as before Not enough permissions to update records.

Now I started upload again and set permissions to insert new records and update existing.

If you look at attached screen shot it says more products updated then inserted, how its possible if there are not products to update unless those which managed to upload.

At the end of upload i should have 272463 products but it only shows ammount of 312 products. 

Where are the updated products.

PS: Is there database which has old records on it even with wordpress reinstalled. Where are updated products. 


Additional Info

Link on page with issue: none