Toogle block content

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme April 02, 2022
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago

Shortcode area visible directly on your screenshot

Пн, 4 апр. 2022 г. в 09:29, Sizam Support Help Desk <>:

Yvette Boye
2 years ago

Happy to hear from you.

I do not understand the part with ¨use Content Egg shortcodes inside content

Shortcode area, in this way, it will be visible in list¨. Can you give example?
Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago

there is no big sense to use toggle area for price lists because users
don't click it often. You can use Content Egg shortcodes inside content
Shortcode area, in this way, it will be visible in list. Maybe we will add
shortcode to show just prices which will be clickable links in future but
it's not in nearest plans. If you want urgent, you can hire customization
team. Also, you can add shortcodes in content of products and enable to
show content area as toggle block

Yvette Boye
2 years ago


Are you OK? Promised to not send more requests to you while the Ukrainian situation is like it is. But I see you sometimes have Greenshifts plugin updates, so I am hoping you are as OK as you can be and maybe is happy to get som requests and see that other people are using your wonderful theme and plugins.

That being said, please only answer if it is OK for you to answer. 

My problem now that I am not able to solve is that I have made my first top ten list, but it is lacking information. I have a price comparison site Consequently I would like visitors to be able to get more price information from the top lists. Now only cheapest price is shown.

Is there a way to add prices (from CE/AE) and price graph from the product content to the toogle block content? Some shortcode or likewise?

Stay strong!

Additional Info

Link on page with issue: