Enhancement Suggestion: Weight and Dimensions on product Dynamic Comparison

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme May 13, 2019
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Gavin Grayston
4 years ago

Thanks Igor.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago


you can place this in theme options - general options - custom css

Gavin Grayston
4 years ago

I'm using Datafeedr as Content Egg doesn't have the correct affiliate products for my market.

The in-stock status is wrong on this example as the item at the end can't be found in any of the affiliate feeds. https://www.getoutwiththekids.co.uk/compare/?compareids=81342,66890,2055,80504

It looks like I'll need to add some custom code to manage the in-stock status for Datafreedr then.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago

Affiliate products also can have stock status. Content Egg set it automatically if you enable this option in settings, i don't recommend to disable this option

Gavin Grayston
4 years ago

Here's an example: https://www.getoutwiththekids.co.uk/reviews/outwell-vigor-3-2019/

The product review has the woo comparison chart shortcode, where the Stock Status is displayed, even though these are affiliate products. 

The product also contains the weight and dimension attributes, which don't appear on the comparison chart.


Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago

send link on page where you want to remove

Gavin Grayston
4 years ago

I also notice that the dynamic comparison has Stock Status. Could there be an option to remove this attribute from the comparison please?

Gavin Grayston
4 years ago

Hi Igor,

For some of the products I have, the dimensions and weight are important attributes for buyers. These are affiliate products, but I set the dimensions and weight under the Woocommence Shipping tab. 

This works great, and the height and weight appear on the product's attribute list when displayed.

However, I noticed they do not appear when doing a dynamic comparison.

Would it be possible to add to the To Do list for the comparison to include those attributes if they are set, please?
