SEO friendly update

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme May 13, 2019
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
5 years ago

Hi. This is words on repeatable icons and buttons. I don't see any problem
here as it's the same on any site. of course, you can remove all wishlist,
all buttons, all add to compare buttons, etc. Site will not have any sense
after this

leafdy leafdy
5 years ago

Hi there,

I am using the rehub dokan theme, and the product pages are not seo friendly because of unrelated keywords density. 

If you go to the link below, you will see we have unnecessary words repeated:

wishlist 42 times

add 35 times

compare 23 times

sold 21 times

removed 21 times

added 21 times

cart 14 times.

You can simply use each of these words once and repeat it with JS tricks for each product.

If I can fix this easily, let me know or please fix it for next update.

Thank you

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