Submenus max with and columns number changes

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme June 02, 2022
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Patrik Varga
2 years ago

I may have been misunderstood, sorry for my bad English.

I dont want to "classic" megamenu, i have only categories and subcategoris. 

Now all of subcategories are only one line. I would like to change it 2 or 3 columns, so the overall width will be smaller as well.

I tried to add css class second and third levels from your documentation, but nothing helped to me.


by default, width of item element in menu is the same as width of Menu title, but you can increase it if you add width-250 class. You can also add width-300 and width-200"

Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago

How to place subheadings and how to make custom full width mega menus is described in our video

Please study it

Patrik Varga
2 years ago


I made in main menu a vertical menu for my product categories.

I made some subcategories too.

But the sumbs print only one line.

How can i make smaller width for sub menus, and / or change the maximum columns number?

I tried to find your custom CSS classes (example i used it the first menu, you can see the screenshot) but i didnt find good solutions for submenus widht / columns problem in documentation.

i use latest WC + WP versions, and build full of site with gutenberg.

Thanks your support.

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