Category filter panel not working

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme June 14, 2022
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago

Вт, 14 июня 2022 г. в 17:37, WP Soul :
Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago
No, and woocommerce categories already have core sorting

Вт, 14 июня 2022 г. в 17:26, Sizam Support Help Desk <>:
Tim Kerremans
2 years ago

Is it possible to implement the category filter panel for woocommerce product category?

Igor Sunz Support Agent
2 years ago

This is category filter for posts. Your link goes to woocommerce product category

Tim Kerremans
2 years ago

Hi there,

I'm trying to integrate the category filter panel feature on my website, unfortunately it is not displaying anywhere. Any special features I have to turn on in order for it to work?

Kind regards,


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