Suggestions for improvements CTR to affiliates on WooCommerce blocks

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme July 19, 2022
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David M.
1 year ago

I understand it's working as intended now.

For now customization is not needed, but maybe later in case I find out through Hotjar that it really costs me conversions.

Thanks for the offer and explanation.


Igor Sunz Support Agent
1 year ago
Woocommerce box is final place because it’s content block. It shows also
deals in tab so user can choose deal directly in box

Archive grid is place where user select page to show

If you have multiple offers - user must see them and choose. Redirection
them to cheapest offer makes no sense to have multiple offers in products,
because users will not see them

So, it’s working as expected, we don’t have plans to change this proper
logic. If you need something custom, we can make customization for grid.
Price will be $50

Вт, 9 авг. 2022 г. в 11:47, Sizam Support Help Desk <>:
David M.
1 year ago

Because I have two different types of ways to attract visitors to my website. People searching for individual products looking to filter and people that come in through my 'top xxx' SEO articles.

People searching for individual products & using filters to decide which camping they want to go to --> They want to compare, have all vendors in so they can choose which one. Also for me it's better in case one of them is sold out they can pick another

People coming in through my articles --> Biggest group for now and they want to have 'best of' list, are not interested in comparing vendors but just want to have more info and book it at best vendor. If I have to redirect these people first to my product page they lose interest and don't click through anymore. That's why I want to direct them directly to vendor instead of inner product page because that's 1 more step where they can lose interest and no opportunity for me to place cookie. I can solve this by only inserting the 'best' affiliate link for now, but that would mean that also people in first category will not have choice to pick their preferred vendor anymore.

Your WooCommerce Box already does this very well (see screenshot, it picks the top affiliate vendor) and puts that link behind the initial button (others are shown in the tab). This would be great to have also as an option on grid blocks somehow. But I understand now that's not possible. Maybe in the future! :-)


Igor Sunz Support Agent
1 year ago

Currently I don’t understand your logic. Why do you add offers to woocommerce product if you don’t want to show inner page for users?

David M.
1 year ago

I want to show only one offer in the articles I write, but more in the specific product section. So if people use my woocommerce filters to decide where they want to go, they will find products and have the choice to book them from different vendors.

But in the articles for SEO people just want to go directly to the affiliate. This works in some blocks which you made (there is more vendors but only the first is shown when they click on it, I showed example)  but not all of them. Especially for grid formats this would be great to boost conversions.

If it's not possible I will just keep working with this for now. Thx for looking into it.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
1 year ago

You added several offers in content egg, this is why it shows to select offer because user must make a choice. There is no sense to add multiple offers if you want to show only one

David M.
1 year ago

Thanks for the quick response about question 2.

About question 1, I added the product as external/affiliate url already and also gave it an url. It does work when I use WooCommerce Box just not when using any grid format.

Also included some pictures as reference. Would be great if you can help me with why it is still giving me the choose offer (product page) instead of the look price button (affiliate vendor url).


Igor Sunz Support Agent
1 year ago

1. Product must be affiliate and you must add affiliate URL to it

2. It's correct. Ajax pagination is for adding new items by click. It doesn't save existed pagination and will be reloaded again on page reload

David M.
1 year ago

Hi Igor,

Two more issues/questions which are partly related to the below subjects. I also uploaded another video of it on my website so it's easier for you to view settings:

1) As mentioned earlier the choose offer button goes to my product page, whereas I want to have it go to the affiliate vendor directly. I tried to follow your suggestions by enabling buttons in loop customization / choosing the correct blocks. But I can't manage to find a correct grid block for this that enables this. Can you please be specific about which similar grid Gutenberg block I can use in case I have multiple vendors and I want the block to go to the first affiliate link?

2) When enabling pagination with setting 'new item will be added by click' it seems to resets when opening and updating the page again. You can view it in video. Looks like a bug. Please let me know if it is or that I am doing something wrong.

Thanks a lot in advance for your response.


David M.
1 year ago

Good to know this cloaking is not done by ReHub but by something else.
I think it is due to Content Egg integration then. I will contact them.


Igor Sunz Support Agent
1 year ago
I don’t know what you mean because Import Wp has no cloaking option. You
need to use RH link pro plugin

Вт, 2 авг. 2022 г. в 11:25, Sizam Support Help Desk <>:
David M.
1 year ago

Hi Igor,

Thank you. I managed to look into the issue and found something regarding this. I'm using ImportWP to import my products. As you can see in the screenshots it automatically cloaks the URL's from the offer URL uploaded to an internal URL when uploading through ImportWP. For some reason last time it did not cloak all of them, but only some. That's also what caused the issue with adblocks viewing them as ads.

Just got one more question about link cloaking in combination with ImportWP.

Yesterday I did the full upload again and it looks like now all links are cloaked correctly as how it is supposed to work. It looks like it automatically creates the url in the following format: which is fine, but officially according to the affiliate platform I am mainly using it is not allowed to use link cloaking as users can't view where they are going. Is there a way to disable this or change this formatting so the link not only has numbers but I can for example make it look like: (better trackable for my customers where they are going by inserting vendor name and vendor location) and therefore I think my affiliate platform will have less complains because it does not look like you're tricking customers into clicking weird links.

Do I need RH link plugin for this or is it simply not possible right now when using ImportWP to import products?

Thanks a lot for your help again! It makes me understand much better how ReHub works.


Igor Sunz Support Agent
1 year ago
Sorry, we can’t remove link from image, it was asked by many users because
it improves conversion.

I think adsblock will block any links if they go to blocked affiliate
links. You can try to enable RH Link plugin and enable link cloaking

Вт, 2 авг. 2022 г. в 00:52, Sizam Support Help Desk <>:
David M.
1 year ago

Thanks for your response.

I tried working with the advanced listing builder instead, but when I select the option to 'Make all links as external?', many images are blocked by Adblock as the plug-in falsely labels them as ads.

I made a video and uploaded to my staging site to show the issue if not fully clear yet.

Do you maybe have a quick workaround for this, or do you atleast know how it is possible that some images are labeled as ads and some are not?
-- Also, to avoid this, an option would be to not redirect the image to the affiliate vendor but just make it unclickable/link to product page so it doesn't have the external link in it. Not many people are clicking on the image anyway. They click mainly on title or button.

Many thanks for all the solutions you have provided so far!


Igor Sunz Support Agent
1 year ago

1. Make your product as affiliate and Listing builder will also use affiliate button. Don't add read more button if you don't want to direct on product page. 

2. don't use archive layouts with Choose offer. Use directory grid, column grid or similar and enable button in theme option - loop customization

David M.
1 year ago

Hi Igor,

Been analysing visitors behaviour lately with Hotjar and I've noticed some important things regarding the click through rate of the different WooCommerce blocks and how customers interact with them.

1. As I write comparison articles (best 5, top 10, etc) I use the advanced listing builder to create summary lists at the start of the page. Customers do click a lot on the 'Read More' button, but after going to the woocommerce product page, they are not clicking out to the affiliate vendor anymore and leave my site. I expect they want to be redirected directly to the affiliate website. I think it would be a great CTR optimization if we could make the advanced listing builder go directly to the affiliate website instead of to the product page. Exactly how the Woocommerce Product list block also works (shown in printscreen with 2.).

2. Right now the WooCommerce Product list shows 'choose offer' incase there are multiple vendors. Based on my experiences also mentioned at point 1) they lose interest after going to the product page and don't click out anymore. It would help if this block has an option to automatically direct customers to the first vendor in the list in case there are multiple affiliates. In case there is only one affiliate the WooCommerce Product list block already works like this and it redirects automatically to this specific vendor after clicking on the link. That's shown in printscreen 3).

To boost external affiliate clicks and therefore sales both of these could be huge improvements for my CTR to vendors. It would be especially amazing if we could make the advanced listing builder show the top 5 easily in this beautifull list, and then add the first affiliate link directly to the affiliate site behind them. This would skyrocket the affiliate CTR. If it's not possible then I'll search other methods but just wanted to share these insights with you. Of course I hope you agree with the fact this could be usefull.

Thanks for reading and your consideration!


Additional Info

Link on page with issue: