Review Box, Guetnberg Block making pages slow

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme December 27, 2022
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
1 year ago

It's not because of scorebox, it's because you have images in scorebox and long article. Your hosting has low response time and it takes some time to load whole content. Using caching plugins can help (or changing hosting). Your other pages also have low TTFB

Divesh WebMarketingTools
1 year ago

Thanks for getting back.

Sorry, it is not Review Box, It is Score Box.

And in both articles, we have added Score Boxes for every Product.

And I also found that google page speed score is almost the same.

But If you visit our Products page (here - and click on any Product article. You will find that this page is taking longer lading time. 

The Chrome Browser loader takes 5-6 complete rounds, after this, it loads the page.

For the experiment, we remove score boxes and found that page is loading fast then.

So It is happening because of Score Boxes.

Would you please check this.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
1 year ago

Reviewboxes are very light static blocks which doesn't take memory or CPU.

I see that your both pages have the same speed, near 90 on google score which is good. But I don't see review boxes on both pages

Divesh WebMarketingTools
1 year ago

Please also pay attention to this ticket.

Loading speed really matters for every site.

Divesh WebMarketingTools
1 year ago


Recentaly to show tha product list, we use Review Box.

We added approx 15-20 Review Boxes in every page, but later when we published and tested, we found that our page is slow.

To confirm this, I also published page without review box, It has good speed.

I removed external images from page, Again load fast.

I removed Affiliate Egg shortcodes, again it load fast.

But when in a new post, I added only Review Boxes, the page become slow.

Can you please share, why it is happening and how can we slow this?

URLs -

URL1 (With Review Boxes) -

URLs (Without Review Boxes) -

Additional Info

Link on page with issue: