404 - reset lost password

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme January 19, 2023
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Jiří Výchopeň
1 year ago

oh it's the my-account page that I had set as a concept. It's OK now.


Jiří Výchopeň
1 year ago

I didn't erase it. She wasn't even there and when I put Create Basic WooCommerce Site it doesn't even create it.

How can I manually create it? Just create a lost-password page or?

Thank you

Igor Sunz Support Agent
1 year ago
Jiří Výchopeň
1 year ago

I looked here https://wpsoul.com and here https://rehubdocs.wpsoul.com/docs/rehub-theme/ , but unfortunately found no advice, no answer.

Jiří Výchopeň
1 year ago


Why is it that when I reset my password I get a 404 https://test.grafan.cz/lost-password/?page_id=1461 ?

Thank you


Additional Info

Link on page with issue: https://test.grafan.cz/lost-password/?page_id=1461