you don't need to use shortcodes, this answer was years ago, currently theme has Reviewbox block and you can use it in any place of page. Please, check tutorials in documentation, it has also videos
Step Two
1 year ago
hello thanks i have see but when i need to enter shortcode ?
Вт, 21 февр. 2023 г. в 15:37, Sizam Support Help Desk <>:
Step Two
1 year ago
Hello, I am using the Gutencon Review with Autocontents template but I don't have the table of contents and the "User's ad Editor's scores" section as well as other sections. Can you tell me how to do this?
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Link on page with issue:
you don't need to use shortcodes, this answer was years ago, currently theme has Reviewbox block and you can use it in any place of page. Please, check tutorials in documentation, it has also videos