what are the fields that are required by google in the place where

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme May 08, 2023
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
11 months ago

Brand page and store page are totally equal except that first is for products, second is for posts

Daniel AntoniĆ³w
11 months ago

It just says give me a link to the store?

and to provide refund information? So what is it supposed to be about since this is a brand archive page, not a store, so what data should be entered here and what these fields are for. They should be visible next to the stores and their profiles, not next to the brand category

Igor Sunz Support Agent
11 months ago

google requires to have only brand name. other fields are not used

Daniel AntoniĆ³w
11 months ago

what are the fields that are required by google in the place where I enter the name of the brand and why are they required, because from what I can see, this field means the return of products and the second is a link to the store and BRAND is neither a store, but only a Brand CATEGORY in which is the product catalog. https://prnt.sc/2Q9vhLW9rBgn

Additional Info

Link on page with issue: https://tabelazdrowia.pl/brand/bioplanet/