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REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme June 07, 2019
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Juarez Bolsonaro Meireles
5 years ago


Igor Sunz Support Agent
5 years ago

It's because you have wrong translation. I am not sure who translated your theme but it has some critical issues, currently I fixed them on your site

2. Problem with icons because you have outdated plugin Product tabs for woocommerce. This plugin has outdated Fontawesome library. Write to author and ask to update it or disable plugin and use other.

You should also review your plugins and deactivate those which you don't use on site

Juarez Bolsonaro Meireles
5 years ago

Video screenshot...

Juarez Bolsonaro Meireles
5 years ago


Juarez Bolsonaro Meireles commented privately
Igor Sunz Support Agent
5 years ago

send admin access, please

Juarez Bolsonaro Meireles
5 years ago
Veja print em anexo.
Juarez Bolsonaro Meireles
5 years ago

Olá, boa noite.
Em meu painel do tema não há alguma bug que em todo esse tempo que passou não consegui resolver.
Os íncones não aparerem e em boa parte das opções, acontece de os textes estarem como hyperlinks que direcionam para "".
Veja no print da tela.

No aguardo de uma solução;

Juarez Meireles.