Redokan Homepage to Remart Homepage

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme August 28, 2023
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
1 year ago
Denny Archer
1 year ago

While writing a comment here, we should all aim to help each other by community rules. If it were on documentation I wouldn't write it here. If it were on documentation, you would add the link and guide right? Next time think twice how helpful is your message. 

Cheers from Canada

Woodhaus Inc.
1 year ago

hi there,

read the documentation and use some ellbow grease!

that will help

Cheers from Canada

Denny Archer
1 year ago

Hi there, 

I'll be building my multivendor website by using dokan however I'd like my homepage to be similar to remart. Is it possible to use the template from remart. More importantly, is it possible to have the remart homepage in fse?

I haven't put the website on the live environment yet.


Additional Info

Link on page with issue: Replacing homepage