Кастомизация блока последние комментарии

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme September 01, 2023
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
10 months ago
It’s regular core block which I can’t help as it’s not from theme

Theme has special shortcode for latest comments

You can info about it in our documentation http://rehubdocs.wpsoul.com/ or
consider to update support if you need help from our team.

Without actual support you can expect help only with possible issues

You can read about Envato's support policy here


Thank you for understanding that our time has price.

пн, 4 вер. 2023 р. о 11:54 Sizam Support Help Desk <
sizamtheme+mxLnAgaj7mXW69PzKXqk@mail.support-hub.io> пише:
Pavel Karpenko
10 months ago

Этот блок я сделал в gutenberg http://joxi.ru/xAe0q9oSR0Nqn2

Last commets

Далее я использовал ваше видео "How to add carousel to any block in Wordpress Gutenberg" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g51fLFtpmc&t=381s 

Igor Sunz Support Agent
10 months ago

Currently I don’t know how you made this block so I can’t advice

Pavel Karpenko
10 months ago

В админке внешний вид блока вполне нормальный, но если выводишь его на страницу, то как будто не используются стили css

Additional Info

Link on page with issue: https://eddu.pro/profession-ux-ui-designer/