Wanna Disable Product Hoover Effect

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme September 15, 2023
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
10 months ago

sure, once you will have active support

Tom murdoch
10 months ago

I understand But do you please provide Css code? 

Igor Sunz Support Agent
10 months ago


Please, update your support for customization help. Without actual support you can expect help only with possible issues 

You can read about Envato's support policy here


Thank you for understanding that our time has price.

Tom murdoch
10 months ago

Hi Sizam I want To Disable Product Hoaver Effect On My Website, I'm Using regular Grid, When You Hoaver You See Buy Now, I Jussst want to disable this, Do You Please Help Me Thanks 

Additional Info

Link on page with issue: https://soccer-c78e4e.ingress-daribow.ewp.live/