Support multicurrency and multilanguages

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme September 17, 2023
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
10 months ago
I already wrote - WPML

пн, 18 вер. 2023 р. о 05:17 Sizam Support Help Desk <> пише:
Kenji Loo
10 months ago

Thanks, how can i make my site multilingual?

Igor Sunz Support Agent
10 months ago
You can use multi currency woocommerce plugins and WPML

нд, 17 вер. 2023 р. о 17:34 Sizam Support Help Desk <> пише:
Kenji Loo
10 months ago

Hi, does your theme support selling in multiple currencies? Can the theme be multilingual?

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