Purchased Elementor plugin and it basically messed up my entire front end so I cant design anything anymore

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme November 26, 2023
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Jonathan Virgilio
1 year ago

Thanks for the help, I reinstalled an older version to fix everything.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
1 year ago

Just clean site with WP reset and reimport remart again. You need only Greenshift plugin for Remart demo, you don't need Elementor to edit it

Jonathan Virgilio
1 year ago

I was using the Theme that came with ReHub ReMart theme but the moment I purchased Elementor Pro and installed the plugin it messed up my entire website. I can no longer edit the front end like before it just has these empty boxes that say "This block contains unexpected or invalid content."

I need help resorting my website back to where it was before please. How is that possible? I tried disabling the Elementor Pro and regular Elementor plugin but it still displays empty boxes that say "This block contains unexpected or invalid content." 

Igor Sunz Support Agent
1 year ago

You can't edit gutenberg pages with Elementor. You need to edit Elementor pages

To fix problem with blocks, you need to use actual theme and Rehub framework plugin. 19.4 in current point

Jonathan Virgilio
1 year ago

Purchased the Elementor plugin and it basically messed up my entire front end so I cant design anything anymore. I have empty boxes that say "This block contains unexpected or invalid content." when I used to have visual representations of the feature image section, the product slider and other visual aspects that are gone and replaced with empty boxes. The Elementor plugin seems like a waste of money and isn't meant to worth alongside Greenshift which the entire WP codebase is in Greenshift.

I also purchased Greenshift entire package in hopes to create a featured post section with just the title in the image box in a different layout that the 1 large image along with 4 smaller ones.

How can I fix my front-end because right now I can't do anything.

Additional Info

Link on page with issue: https://preview.themeforest.net/item/rehub-directory-multi-vendor-shop-coupon-affiliate-theme/full_screen_preview/7646339