Woocomerce swatch image size

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme February 07, 2024
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
5 months ago
There is no bug in theme, it’s working as expected. We don’t plan to change
size for swatches, but I can provide you code how to change it on your
site. For this, I need link to see how it looks on your site

чт, 15 лют. 2024 р. о 17:25 Sizam Support Help Desk <
sizamtheme+KOzQ1Gd4EqMy4aB3lnZb@mail.support-hub.io> пише:
John Holt
5 months ago

I want fix in theme not on my site only!

Igor Sunz Support Agent
5 months ago

I guess, you want to have working solution on site and not on screenshot. Right? Then I need your site link

John Holt
5 months ago

I have already shared image. I am uploading 16px images, insteaded they show size of a image as per screenshot.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
5 months ago

please share link on page

John Holt
5 months ago

Under Advanced Listing Builder Elementor module, I am using Woocomerce swatch to display country flags. I am using small icon flags, but they are streched out. How to fix this?

Additional Info

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