width and height as well as place are made to be balanced on all screens and sizes. Currently we do not support changing this, but if you think that it's fine for you then feel free to edit and customize this panel
Pavel Karpenko
1 week ago
I must have misspoken, I need to make it wider and longer
Igor Sunz
Support Agent
1 week ago
there is no option to edit this menu. It's created on fly from your headings. You can use other post layouts that do not include auto TOC and then you can use custom TOC plugins in them
Pavel Karpenko
1 week ago
For example, make it like this
Additional Info
Link on page with issue: https://eddu.pro/proforientatsiya-test/
width and height as well as place are made to be balanced on all screens and sizes. Currently we do not support changing this, but if you think that it's fine for you then feel free to edit and customize this panel