Pass search parement through link

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme August 13, 2019
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Alex Brown
4 years ago

that works thanks!!

Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago

If you are looking for code how to get search query from search result page, here is code

<?php $s = get_search_query();?>

Alex Brown
4 years ago

usually in php i have used $s to show the variable, I found it in the
search string on top in the url is has s= so if i put what is missing in the
simple how do i get simple to appear after the keyword= there should be
some echo code or variable code i can use to place the variable in my string

Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago

where "simple" is your keyword

Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago
What is $s and where did you find it?
Alex Brown
4 years ago

if i want to pass that same search term to another site - I can place
the logo on the side of the page and link to
search what i am
trying to ask is what do i place in the keywords= part to make it show the
keyword I have tried to put
$s put it is not
passing the search term through the URL

Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago

It's still not clear for me

If you want to show search results, for example, for word "simple", use link


if you want to show posts and not products

Alex Brown
4 years ago

I see the variable in the string but how do i pass it to the next site I
have placed a logo in the footer i want to pass the search term through the
url when the user clicks the footer so the link should be something like
href htpp://$searchterm

what is the code i place on the link so that it will pass the same term
that it is showing results for

Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago

Not clear which site you mean. Explain, please

Alex Brown
4 years ago

how do I pass that variable to next site ???

Igor Sunz Support Agent
4 years ago

add any search form on site in header or in any place. Then, search
something. You will be redirected to page of search results

Alex Brown
4 years ago

I want to send the search parameter through a link to the partner site - Example user searches for "computers" I want to be able to place the logo of the merchant on the site and when user clicks it will go to

How do i create the URL and include the search term inside of it like i did in the above example