Show content of Layout Tabs

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme September 13, 2018
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Sergio Sergio
6 years ago

Show page content in a buddy press tab. But I understand you.


Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

Currently, i don't understand what you are trying to do. Tabs must be opened in Posts to show all details of posts. If you trigger them in another place, it will not show any Post data. it's required much deep customization and custom functions

Sergio Sergio
6 years ago

Hello, it not run well...Because now it appear the tabs, but some tabs are empty, because if i one tab I have a contact form like this [contact-form-7 id="489" title="Sin título"] it appear.

But if in a tab I have custom fields like this [acf field="resumen_del_grupo"] it's empty...

There is any solution?


Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

try to add ID of your tab, not post.

Sergio Sergio
6 years ago

Thanks, I think don't work, in my function:

function my_new_group_show_screen_content() {

echo "New tab page content";  --> THIS WORK

echo wpsm_spec_tabs_render(387); -->DON'T SHOW ANYTHING

$post   = get_post( 387 );
echo $output =  apply_filters( 'the_content', $post->post_content ); --> THIS WORK


It's a page, not a post, but I think it doesn't matter.


Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

echo wpsm_spec_tabs_render($postid) must work. You must assign post ID to function

Sergio Sergio
6 years ago

In a buddy press tab I wanted to show the content of a page, and I used the function get the content (). It works fine, but of course, it does not show me the Layout Tabs content assigned to that page. Is there any function that shows me this content?
