Column Grid Loop Panel Filter

REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme October 17, 2018
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Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

Mdtf which is also bundled

We don't recommend to use posts for any type of filtering, comparison or

вт, 20 нояб. 2018 г., 1:13 Sizam Support Help Desk

Sergio Sergio
6 years ago

Hello, I see in the new update the new plugin product filter:

But for use a filter in normal post (I don't use products), what plugin should we use?


Sergio Sergio
6 years ago


Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

It supports categories, tags of products

Sergio Sergio
6 years ago

Sorry, categories, tags, acf... Not only prodcuts.

Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

Not clear what you mean. Taxonomies are part of products and can be used
for filtering products

чт, 18 окт. 2018 г., 13:52 Sizam Support Help Desk <>:

Sergio Sergio
6 years ago

Ah ok... But the new plugin will only be for products? Or also for taxonomies?

And if it was only for products, which one would you recommend for taxonomies? (better free)

Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago

mdtf will be deprecated in new update as it has too much bugs. will be added advanced product filters

Sergio Sergio
6 years ago

Ok, thanks, better use MDTF Filters?

And if I use MDTF filters, I need to use to list my posts:

[mdtf_shortcode tax="taxonomies=category+84" ajax="1"]

instead of

[columngrid_loop orderby="meta_value" enable_pagination="3" filterpanelenable="1" filterpanel="%5B%7..." cat="84" ...


Igor Sunz Support Agent
6 years ago
This is not available in filter panel. You must use advanced filtering plugin for this. New plugin will be added soon in theme bundle, but it will work for woocommerce only
Sergio Sergio
6 years ago

Hello, I have my column grid loop with the filter  cat="84" and in the corner the taxdrop="etiquetas_propias" taxdroplabel="Etiquetas".

List all the tags that have been used in a post, that is, do not list all the tags that exist. That's fine. But if in the list I only appear the posts of a category cat="84. If you list all the labels that have been used in any post of any category, there are many tags that have not been used within this category.
If you want to filter, you can try many tags that return the empty list ... And that's a nuisance ...
Is there any way that only the tags used in the list shown appear in the list of tags?
