1. You can add to products but this has no big sense. Posts are faster and
have more functions for coupons like expiration. Products have another
2. This is depending on your links and affiliate network. Its not depending
on site.
neni vn
4 years ago
1.Can you please explain why coupons need add in the “ post “ why we can’t post under “ product” section?
2. As most of links are affiliated link, how to enable 90 days cookies policy( so if user click on the product.. it validate 90days)
http://prntscr.com/uoz5f3 I had added the code(rehub_offer_product_coupon – coupon code) under product but in the filter panel,
Igor Sunz
Support Agent
4 years ago
https://prnt.sc/uoz5f3 - this doesn't nothing. Will show text
rehub_offer_product_coupon on product page, nothing else. Currently, it's
not clear what you do
Please, create topic according to guidelines, with all information, links,
screenshots. This will allow us to understand your issue and give you a
better and fast answer.
http://prntscr.com/uoz5f3 i had added the code(rehub_offer_product_coupon – coupon code) under product but in the filter panel, it's not showing - http://prntscr.com/uoz6nr
1. You can add to products but this has no big sense. Posts are faster and
have more functions for coupons like expiration. Products have another
2. This is depending on your links and affiliate network. Its not depending
on site.